Version 2.047 of PP2CAN and the corresponding X2CAN API for working with our converters brings a set of new features and capabilities. The first new feature is the ability to receive data received from the LIN bus into other PP2CAN tools for data reception as CAN messages. The data is treated as port 2 and 3. In the tools where port selection is made they are marked as port L1 and L2.
Setting the data reception mode is done in the LIN dropdown, and in the X2CAN API using USB2LIN_SetLINExt. There are 3 modes available:
- LIN - data is received only in the LIN tools, then in the API data is selected from the queue using: USB2LIN_GetLINMessage.
- CAN - the data is queued into the CAN message queue, so the selection is possible for example using USB2LIN_GetCANMessage or X2CAN_GetCANMessage.
- Both - data is inserted into both queues
If CAN or Both mode is set, it is possible to use tools in the PP2CAN software to receive data such as Grid log, Data view and others:
The second new feature, which will be especially useful for software and hardware developers, is the ability to generate corrupted LIN messages. Testing the behavior of a device for transmission errors is an important part of its development that must not be forgotten.
There are currently 3 error modes available. The first mode is the random generation of error message checksum. On average, an erroneous checksum is generated for every fifth message. The second mode is the erroneous generation of parity bits in the identifier. This error is generated randomly on approximately every fourth message. The last - third mode is sending the wrong length of data.
It is not only these features and tools that differentiate our converter and software from "cheap" converters, which provide basic functions for LIN bus communication, but do not provide any additional advanced features.