1st international CAN Conference 1994


Plenary Session

Session 1: CAN Protocol Performance
Chairman: Prof. Dr. H.-Chr. Reuss (University of Dresden)

Session 2: CAN Physical Layer
Chairman: Prof. Dr. W. Lawrenz (FH Braunschweig/Wolfenbuttel)

Session 3: CAN Controller Chips 1
Chairman: V. Schiffer (Allen-Bradley)

Session 4: CAN Industrial Applications 1
Chairman: H. Eisele (Philips Semiconductors)

Session 5: Development and Verification Tools
Chairman: T. Suters (Philips Medical Systems)

Session 6: Open Systems 1
Chairman: Dr. T. Raith (Daimler-Benz)

Session 7: CAN Controller Chips 2
Chairman: L.-B. Fredriksson (Kvaser)

Session 8: CAN Automotive Applications
Chairman: H. Utz (National Semiconductors)

Session 9: Special Topics
Chairman: Prof. Dr. K. Etschberger (STZP)

Session 10: Open Systems 2
Chairman: Prof. Dr. U. Kiencke (University of Karlsruhe)

Session 11: CAN Industrial Applications 2
Chairman: Dr. O. Schnelle (MTU)

Session 12: CAN Industrial Applications 3
Chairman: G. Hausmann (National Semiconductor)